What can you accomplish in a year?
In May of last year, I sold my pet grooming business, The
Canine Beauty Salon, which I had operated since I was eleven. I’m not going to
say how many years that is but my upcoming birthday will be the last year I’ll
see any number in the sixties. You do the math. With my signature on the bill
of sale, my new goal is to live the dream - travel and write books.
Remain in the top 10% of Amazon’s Author Ranking:
You, my readers, have humbled and inspired me since the
release of my first two books, COAST TO COAST WITH A CAT AND A GHOST and GOING HOME WITH A CAT AND A GHOST. Thank you so much.
Publish book number three:
In August last
year I edited and reedited my latest
book, MASADA’S MARINE, clicked the
“Publish” button, and then like every
author I know, ran to the bathroom, hung my head in the toilet bowl and
vomited. The birth of this third novel, is the story of a service
dog and her wounded Marine warrior, and I believe, is my most compelling yet. Already
the reviews have proved my goal is being met - to bring awareness, not
only to what our veterans have sacrificed, but also the importance of service dogs
in aiding their readjustment to civilian life.
Enjoy the honeymoon stage of retirement:
Sportster and I traveled the coast of California, Oregon and Washington.

After spending the month of March
in Arizona, attending the Good Sam Rally
in Phoenix, The Escapade RV rally in Tucson and the Tucson Festival of Booksand squeezing in a couple of visits with my granddaughter, and great grandkids, I rounded off March, by attending the FMCA
91st Reunion RV Rally in Pomona, California. In thirty days I presented a total of six seminars
and did one book signing. Whew!
I will wrap up this first year of retirement with Part
Three in my series of Road To Writing seminars, covering the topic of Inspiration and how to
remain motivated. Who doesn’t need a
helpful push now and then? Catch this one on April 25th at the Ovitt
Community Library in Ontario California.Check my website for details.
As I come up on another birthday and the one year
anniversary of my retirement, I'll admit I am not retired. I am working on the second
book of my Masada Series and even Sportster is not resting on his haunches. He
is writing his memoirs. Because he has such a tendency to exaggerate, I will
insist he call it a novel. Check out the first chapter of Sportster's Adventures on his blog,The Cat's Perspective On Reading, Writing, and Life.
What can you accomplish in a year?
What can you accomplish in a year?
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