Friday, July 29, 2016


May I ask for a little assistance? 

The desperate need to bring awareness about the effects of PTSD on our veterans  and how “Dogs Save Lives”, has now expanded to victims of terrorism.

Please help me carry the message and bring much needed attention to how dogs are trained to save lives.

The need for understanding and compassion about PTSD  and how “Dogs Save Lives”  has exploded  beyond  our veterans. It now  extends to civilian men,  women and children who have suffered and survived  terrorist  attacks  such as the ones at the San Bernardino Regional Medical Center in California  , at Dallas, Texas  and Orlando, Florida  to name only a few.

The victims of terror whether at home or at war have suffered deep trauma and need our help and support and to know that  “Dogs save lives. “

 bring attention to these issues in an informative and yet entertaining way.

You can carry this message and save lives.

$1.99 each.

I am asking for your help. 
Could you invest $3.98?
With your assistance by this  small investment, you will gain understanding and WILL BE PART OF THE CURE.
In addition, by writing a review, you will be carrying the message, “DOGS SAVE LIVES.”

Gaining knowledge and understanding  through these two books, is a simple way to TAKE PART IN THE RECOVERY of the increasing number of folks who are now struggling   against the effects of PTSD. They need to know that "DOGS SAVES LIVES."

Recently a Vietnam Veteran  reviewed  the book, MASDA’S MARINE.
 His words carry the message, “DOG’S SAVE LIVES.”

  “Judy just finished your book and I cannot remember a book that had such an impact on me that Masada's Marine had. I would be happy to let you post my words. This book needs to get into the hands of every combat veteran and their families. I wish I had this book or even a part of it when I came from Vietnam. Instead, I suffered from PTSD for 40 years with all the negative issues and experiences Alex had. I read it on my bad days as often as my good ones. Always provided a connection. Even though I was Army and not a Marine, I can identify with everything he did and as most veterans tried to understand why I felt more at home back in Nam than unwanted in America. I agree with Kevin you nailed it girl. I look forward to seeing you again so you get a big hug. Thanks again for your thoughts and words. And for Lt Col Robert Smith!!”

Don't forget!
 Check out Sportster's message in his first book,






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